
Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

0 dating

Dating is any social activity undertaken
by, typically, two people with the aim
of each assessing the other 's
suitability as their partner in an
intimate relationship or as a spouse .
The word refers to the act of meeting
and engaging in some mutually
agreed upon social activity. Traditional
dating activities include entertainment
or a meal . In many cultural traditions,
a date may be arranged by a third
party , who may be a family member ,
acquaintance, or professional
matchmaker . Recently internet dating
has become popular. Although dating
etiquette in Western culture has
become more relaxed during the
twentieth century, there are
considerable differences between
social and personal values. For
example , when an activity costs
money (for example , a meal) ,
traditionally the man was expected to
pay ; but in recent times the practice of
"going Dutch" (splitting the expenses)
has become more common and
more acceptable .
Systems for organizing dates * Online
dating: Instead of using a traditional
matchmaker , online dating uses
specifically targeted websites to meet
new people.
* Speed dating: Where a group of
people get together for several hours
in public ; you are given a set amount
of time to sit and talk to each person
before you move on to the next
person .
* Mobile dating/ cell phone dating:
Where text messages to and from a
mobile /cell phone carrier are used to
show interest in others on the system.
Can be web- based or online dating as
well depending on the company.
* Virtual dating: A combination of
video game playing and dating , where
users create avatars and spend time
in virtual worlds in an attempt to meet
other avatars with the purpose of
meeting for potential dates .
* Singles events : Where a group of
singles are brought together to take
part in various events for the
purposes of meeting new people .
Events can include such things as
parties , workshops and games .
Online dating or Internet dating is a
dating system which allows
individuals , couples and groups to
make contact and communicate with
each other over the Internet, usually
with the objective of developing a
personal romantic or sexual
relationship. Online dating services
usually provide unmoderated
matchmaking over the Internet ,
through the use of personal
computers or cell phones.
Online dating services generally
require a prospective member to
provide personal information , before
they can search the service provider' s
database for other individuals using
criteria they set, such as age range ,
gender and location. Most sites allow
members to upload photos of
themselves and browse the photos of
others. Sites may offer additional
services, such as webcasts , online
chat, telephone chat ( VOIP) , and
message boards . Some sites provide
free registration, but may offer
services which require a monthly fee .
Other sites depend on advertising for
their revenue.
Many sites are broad- based, with
members coming from a variety of
backgrounds looking for different
types of relationships . Other sites are
more specific , based on the type of
members, interests, location, or
relationship desired.

0 dating

Dating is any social activity undertaken
by, typically, two people with the aim
of each assessing the other 's
suitability as their partner in an
intimate relationship or as a spouse .
The word refers to the act of meeting
and engaging in some mutually
agreed upon social activity. Traditional
dating activities include entertainment
or a meal . In many cultural traditions,
a date may be arranged by a third
party , who may be a family member ,
acquaintance, or professional
matchmaker . Recently internet dating
has become popular. Although dating
etiquette in Western culture has
become more relaxed during the
twentieth century, there are
considerable differences between
social and personal values. For
example , when an activity costs
money (for example , a meal) ,
traditionally the man was expected to
pay ; but in recent times the practice of
"going Dutch" (splitting the expenses)
has become more common and
more acceptable .
Systems for organizing dates * Online
dating: Instead of using a traditional
matchmaker , online dating uses
specifically targeted websites to meet
new people.
* Speed dating: Where a group of
people get together for several hours
in public ; you are given a set amount
of time to sit and talk to each person
before you move on to the next
person .
* Mobile dating/ cell phone dating:
Where text messages to and from a
mobile /cell phone carrier are used to
show interest in others on the system.
Can be web- based or online dating as
well depending on the company.
* Virtual dating: A combination of
video game playing and dating , where
users create avatars and spend time
in virtual worlds in an attempt to meet
other avatars with the purpose of
meeting for potential dates .
* Singles events : Where a group of
singles are brought together to take
part in various events for the
purposes of meeting new people .
Events can include such things as
parties , workshops and games .
Online dating or Internet dating is a
dating system which allows
individuals , couples and groups to
make contact and communicate with
each other over the Internet, usually
with the objective of developing a
personal romantic or sexual
relationship. Online dating services
usually provide unmoderated
matchmaking over the Internet ,
through the use of personal
computers or cell phones.
Online dating services generally
require a prospective member to
provide personal information , before
they can search the service provider' s
database for other individuals using
criteria they set, such as age range ,
gender and location. Most sites allow
members to upload photos of
themselves and browse the photos of
others. Sites may offer additional
services, such as webcasts , online
chat, telephone chat ( VOIP) , and
message boards . Some sites provide
free registration, but may offer
services which require a monthly fee .
Other sites depend on advertising for
their revenue.
Many sites are broad- based, with
members coming from a variety of
backgrounds looking for different
types of relationships . Other sites are
more specific , based on the type of
members, interests, location, or
relationship desired.

0 How to Be Persistent

Introduction to Persistence
My workout at the gym yesterday was
nothing special ; I went there at 4 just
like I 'm used to and came back at 6 as
I do every time. I lifted the weights
and did everything like I do it every
time . The only different thing about
yesterday' s gym class was that my leg
was in a cast because of my sprained
ankle !!!
Why did I go to the gym instead of
resting in bed? Why didn ’t I wait until I
fully recover from my injury? That’ s
what I call persistence!
What Is Persistence ?
Persistence is not allowing anything to
stop you from doing an activity once
you start it unless it 's something really
severe . I find it really disappointing
when I see someone brilliant and
intelligent dropping an activity just one
week after he started it because of a
tiny obstacle that appeared in his way.
A friend of mine stopped working out
because he started work and the
other dropped his computer courses
because he felt stressed!! When I
asked them why they did these things ,
they replied with almost the same
words ! They both said that they no
longer felt satisfied doing such
activities and so they dropped them .
If you only become persistent when
you feel good about something then
you will surely drop one or more of
your activities in the next down time .
What people don’t know about
persistence is that you don’t have to
be feeling good when doing that
particular thing .
When I was at the gym , it was very
difficult to move around and I had to
bring a friend along to help me in
doing most of the exercises .
Persistence is simply going against
your obstacles and your emotions and
accomplishing your tasks under any
conditions .
Don ’t Wait for Things to Change
Wanting to be persistent while waiting
for your mood to stabilize will be like
waiting for the wind to calm so that
you could set sail . Yes , the wind may
clam down eventually, but that may
only happen after it 's too late !! Life
moves in cycles and you will face
times where you will find yourself not
in the mood for anything . If you stop
working whenever the cycle moves
near the bottom, you will never
complete an activity to the end.
To summarize this , go against your
emotions and obstacles instead of
waiting for them to move away from
you. I know that sometimes things
could be out of your control but when
it comes to not exercising because
you couldn' t find your training shoes
then that' s definitely far from being
persistent .
Persistence is an acquired skill and its
not some kind of gift . Simply by
training yourself to be persistent you
will become a persistent person .
Whatever you do affects your
personality . If you kept dropping
certain activities because of small
obstacles you will end up dropping
bigger activities because of even
smaller obstacles. Whatever you train
yourself to do will become a part of
your personality .
Persistence and Flexibility
Some people think that persistence is
trying the same method over and over
until you accomplish your task but this
is completely wrong! If you can ' t
break the wall by punching it then
don ’t keep punching it.
Go grab something to break it with,
bring your friends to help you or use
dynamite. The idea is to avoid
repeating a method if it was
unsuccessful without letting go of
your main goal (in this case breaking
the wall )!!
How to Be Persistent ?
To summarize it all , these are the
guidelines for becoming persistent:
Holding on even if you feel like
quitting : In other words , move with
disregard to your emotions.
Keep your goal in sight : If you can 't
visualize your reward then you wont
be motivated to keep going
Don ’t ignore small situations : Be
persistent when doing small tasks .
This will be reflected in your behavior
and your personality when you face
bigger situations.
Be flexible : Don' t keep punching the
wall: ))
Be Confident : In the Solid Self
confidence program i said that the
main reason persistent people keep
trying is that they are confident that
they will reach their goals one day . If
you didn't have confidence in your
abilities you won' t be able to become
persistent .
2 knowmyself is not a simple article
website nor it ’s a place where you will
find shallow fixes , but it ’s a place
where you will find effective
techniques that are backed by
psychology and that are presented in
obvious and understandable format .
If you think that this is some kind of
marketing hype then see what other
visitors say about 2knowmyself . The
book How to make someone fall in
love with you was released by
2 knowmyself. com; the book will
dramatically increase your chance of
letting someone fall in love with yo

0 Cara Membuat Barcode

0 "ngaNtuk"

Dari kesepuluh pertanyaan diatas ,
pertanyaan nomer 7 berakibat sangat
fatal jika benar terjadi… Mengantuk
saat mengemudikan kendaraan bisa
mencelakakan baik untuk diri sendiri
maupun orang lain … Ada sedikit
cerita ngantuk yang berakibat fatal
bila kita sedang mengemudikan
Di tahun 2006 , seorang rekan kerja
saya melakukan perjalanan dari
Bontang -Samarinda . Rekan bersama
anak dan istrinya , dia yang
mengemudikan kendaraan . Di tengah
perjalanan rasa kantuk mulai
menyerang… dan tiba-tiba matanya
terpejam hanya dalam hitungan
sekian detik saja, Mobilnya sudah
menabrak sebuah sepeda motor , Dan
naasnya nyawa si pengendara Sepeda
motor itu tidak tertolong … .
Nah dari sekilas cerita itu kita bisa
mengambil hikmah, bahwa ngantuk
saat berkendara itu sangat -sangat
berbahaya baik bagi kita sendiri
maupun pengguna jalan lain .
Ada bebarapa kiat dari pengalaman
saya, saat dalam berkendara ita di
dera oleh “ ngantuk” :
1. Jika ngantuk mulai menyerang anda ,
segera tepikan kendaraan anda .
2. Turun dari kendaraan anda .
3. Putarilah kendaraan anda berlawanan
dengan jarum jam (kekiri )
4. Saat memutari kendaraan anda ,
tendangilah ban mobil anda dengan
maksud sekalian memeriksa kondisi
ban anda .
5. Basahilah muka anda dengan air
bersih juga bagian belakang leher
anda serta ketiak anda .
6. Anda juga bisa bersantai sebentar
dengan menghisap rokok anda untuk
merilekskan pikiran anda .
Ngantuk disebabkan karena suplay O 2
ke otak berkurang diharapkan dengan
berjalan memutar serta membasahi 3
bagian tadi bisa membuat aliran
darah menjadi lancar sehingga suplai
O 2 ke otak bisa normal kembali.
Jika usaha seperti itu masih gagal ,
jangan ragu untuk menidurkan mata
anda barang sekejab, namun carilah
tempat yang benar-benar aman agar
tidak terjadi hal -hal yang tidak
diinginkan menimpa anda .
Sekian “ Ritual Khusus Apabila Ngantuk
saat Nyopir ” dari saya, mudah -
mudahan ada manfaatnya … monggo
di share apabila anda punya
pengalaman lain … .

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

1 Pajak atas Hadiah dan atau Penghargaan

Apa sih pengertian dari istilah Hadiah dan Penghargaan ?
Ada beberapa jenis kategori dari istilah tersebut, yaitu :
  1. Hadiah undian : hadiah dengan nama dan dalam bentuk apa pun yg diberikan melalui undian.
  2. Hadiah atau penghargaan perlombaan : hadiah atau penghargaan yang diberikan melalui suatu perlombaan atau adu ketangkasan.
  3. Hadiah sehubungan dgn pekerjaan, jasa, dan kegiatan lainnya : hadiah dengan nama dan dalam bentuk apa pun yg diberikan sehubungan dgn pekerjaan, jasa, kegiatan yg dilakukan oleh penerima hadiah.
  4. Penghargaan : imbalan yg diberikan sehubungan dengan prestasi dlm kegiatan tertentu (misalnya sehubungan penemuan benda2 purbakala).
Ada catatan atau perkecualian ?
Ada. Yang tdk termasuk pengertian hadiah dan penghargaan yang dikenakan PPh adalah
hadiah langsung dlm penjualan barang/jasa sepanjang diberikan kpd semua pembeli tanpa diundi dan hadiah tsb diterima langsung oleh pembeli pada saat pembelian barang/jasa.

Kenapa hadiah dan penghargaan tadi bisa kena pajak ?
Bisa. Karena hadiah dan penghargaan termasuk dalam kategori penghasilan. Sebagai pengingat, definisi penghasilan adalah :
• Setiap tambahan kemampuan ekonomis
• Diterima atau diperoleh WP
• Berasal dari Indonesia maupun luar Indonesia
• Dipakai untuk konsumsi atau menambah kekayaan WP ybs
• Dengan nama dan dalam bentuk apa pun.

Bisa lebih diperjelas mengenai poin2 definisi penghasilan di atas ?
Jadi UU PPh menganut prinsip pemajakan atas penghasilan dalam pengertian yg luas, yaitu bahwa pajak dikenakan atas setiap tambahan kemampuan ekonomis tanpa memperhatikan dari mana sumber penghasilan tersebut. Tambahan kemampuan ekonomis yg diterima atau diperoleh WP merupakan ukuran terbaik mengenai kemampuan WP tsb utk ikut bersama2 memikul biaya yg diperlukan pemerintah utk kegiatan rutin dan pembangunan.

Bisa dijelaskan secara lebih konkret ?
Dilihat dari mengalirnya tambahan kemampuan ekonomis kpd WP, penghasilan dpt dikelompokkan menjadi :
  • Penghasilan dari pekerjaan dlm hubungan kerja dan pekerjaan bebas seperti gaji, honorarium, hasil praktek dokter, notaris, aktuaris, akuntan, pengacara, dsb.
  • Penghasilan dari usaha dan kegiatan
  • Penghasilan dari modal, yg berupa harta gerak ataupun tak gerak, seperti bunga, dividen, royalty, sewa, dan keuntungan penjualan harta atau hak yg tdk dipergunakan utk usaha
  • Penghasilan lain-lain, seperti pembebasan utang dan hadiah.
Dan satu lagi yg sering dilupakan adalah, tambahan kekayaan netto WP.

Jadi memang sudah diatur di UU PPh ya? Lalu berapa tarifnya ?
• Atas hadiah undian : 25% dari jumlah bruto atau nilai pasar hadiah yg berupa natura. Sifatnya final.
• Atas hadiah atau penghargaan perlombaan, pekerjaan, jasa, dan kegiatan lainnya :
  1. Kena PPh 21 sebesar tarif ps.17, bila penerima WP OP DN.
  2. Kena PPh 23 sebesar 15% dari jumlah bruto, jika penerima WP Badan.
  3. Kena PPh 26 sebesar 20% dari jumlah bruto (dg memperhatikan ketentuan dlm P3B jika ada), bila penerima WP LN selain BUT. Sifatnya final.
Jadi penerima hadiah harus bayar pajaknya dulu ?
Ya kalau hadiahnya berbentuk barang. Namun mekanismenya tetap seperti pemotongan pajak yg dilakukan oleh penyelenggara undian atau pemberi hadiah. Sebelum hadiah atau penghargaan diberikan, PPh-nya harus sudah beres dulu dan diterbitkan Bukti Potong untuk itu. Kemudian ada istilah Saat Terutang. PPh atas hadiah dan penghargaan terutang saat akhir bulan dilakukannya pembayaran atau diserahkannya hadiah (mana yg terjadi lbh dulu).

Jika sudah terutang, berarti harus disetor dan dilaporkan ?
Benar sekali. Penyelenggara undian atau penghargaan wajib :
  • Menyetor PPh yg telah dipotong dengan menggunakan SSP ke Bank Persepsi atau Kantor Pos paling lambat tgl 10 bulan takwim berikutnya setelah bulan saat terutangnya pajak (secara kolektif).
  • Menyampaikan SPT Masa ke KPP atau KP2KP tempat pemotong terdaftar paling lambat tgl 20 bulan berikutnya setelah dibayarkannya atau diserahkannya hadiah undian tsb.
Kalo jatuh tempo penyetoran dan pelaporan bertepatan dengan hari Sabtu atau libur, maka dpt dilakukan pada hari kerja berikutnya.

Kamis, 29 September 2011

0 Jenis Pasar Uang Dalam Sistem Keuangan

Untuk memenuhi berbagai fungsi yang dibebankan, sistem keuangan melakukannya melalui pasar keuangan. Pasar ini dapat dikatakan sebagai penghubung antara unit defisit dan unit surplus. Pasar keuangan terdiri atas pasar uang dan pasar modal yang menyalurkan tabungan milik masyarakat kepada individu, perusahaan, atau lembaga-lembaga lain yang memiliki pengeluaran lebih banyak dari pada penghasilannya.
a. Pasar Uang.
Pasar uang pada dasarnya pasar untuk dana-dana yang bersifat jangka pendek, dimana kelebihan dana sementara dari lembaga-lembaga, perusahaan-perusahaan, dan individu digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pihak-pihak yang sedang mengalami kekurangan dana sementara pula. Secara umum, surat berharga yang jatuh tempo satu tahun atau kurang digolongkan sebagai instrumen pasar uang.
b. Pasar Modal.
Pasar modal adalah pasar yang dirancang untuk membiayai investasi jangka panjang bagi unit-unit usaha, lembaga pemerintah, maupun rumah-tangga. Transaksi dalam pasar modal memungkinkan pembangunan pabrik, jalan-jalan tol, dan perumahan. Instrumen keuangan yang digunakan dalam pasar modal memiliki masa jatuh tempo melebihi satu tahun dan nilainya bervariasi.